Year Round Impact--Even During Pandemic

Because of donors like you and your loyal support our community has resilient organizations to see us through the hard times. United Way ENM and our partner agencies have been working hard in the time of COVID-19. We've had to adapt to meet the rising needs and the "new business norms." At UWENM, we moved our staff home to answer 211 calls remotely and keep up our services. -All possible because of your support.

Then, thanks to many grants and donations to our COVID-19 Recovery Fund, we've increased our direct service to clients needing help with rent and utilities tenfold. We have helped 360 families since April. UWENM is also happy that we could give Covid19 Recovery mini-grants and material support to agencies during those first crucial weeks. 

So far over $56,000 has gone to COVID-19 Recovery in Curry and Roosevelt Counties and we are still helping! 
Those in need can get connected by calling 211. 

Highlights of our partners from March to now: Food Bank ENM and Curry Resident Senior Meal Assoc. saw dramatic increases in clients needing their food and they rose to the challenge; Kudos to Arise Sexual Assault Services, Oasis, and Hartley House for continuing to serve victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence under these difficult conditions; Good job-Girl Scouts of NM Trails for switching troop activities online and keeping girls connected over the summer; Nice Work to Portales and Clovis Meals on Wheels for being a vital lifeline for your home-bound clients; High Five to Salvation Army staying the course providing food, hygiene items and financial assistance to elderly and needy families; Right On to Special Olympics for staying in touch with athletes and innovating "Virtual Contests" to keep them active and upbeat; and a Salute to Friends of Cannon Families for continuing to assist military families that were facing hardship.

Want to make sure help is available through the end of the year? Give today, just text UWCOVID to 41444