Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Roosevelt/De Baca County
"Dream more, Learn More, Care More, Be More"-Dolly Parton
What Do We Do?
As a local affiliate of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library our two primary tasks:
- Register babies, infants, and toddlers who are under the age of five to receive a free book mailed to their homes
- Raise the funds to pay for the books and their mailing costs
Our Mission
The Imagination Library promotes early childhood education and fosters parent-child interaction - both of which are fundamental ingredients to future educational success. Research has shown that children who participate in the program gain the fundamental skills that prepare them for school.
Our Vision
All children in Roosevelt/De Baca county will arrive at Kindergarten’s door ready and able to succeed.
With the help of Head start, Pre Schools, local clinics, and childcare centers, we register children from birth to age five. A child who is registered at birth will accumulate a library of 60 free books by their fifth birthday. The first book children receive is Dolly Parton’s favorite, “The Little Engine That Could” and their graduation book is “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!”