Diversity & Inclusion
As a champion and catalyst for building strong, healthy communities in the Curry, Roosevelt, and Quay Counties, United Way of Eastern New Mexico values diversity. We believe all people should have an opportunity to make an impact in society. It is through the collective efforts of individuals in our communities that we create a responsible and vibrant society, one which respects, honors and thrives on the unique attributes of its members.
Our commitment to equity and inclusion rests on certain fundamental principles that influence our decision-making, guide our interactions, and determine the measure of our success as activists for social justice.
Modeling leadership and developing practices and policies that embrace the value of "inclusion" in our day-to-day operations. Creating an environment at UWENM in which all people have the opportunity and responsibility to value and respect diverse perspectives, ideas and beliefs.
Supporting educational programs and initiatives that advance the recognition, understanding and importance of safeguarding the right to dignity and justice of all people, without regard to race, gender, age, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, disability, religion or socioeconomic status. UWENM opposes racial and ethnic discrimination in all forms.
Continuing to seek respectful relationships and partnerships that are aligned with achieving common goals, both within and outside of UWENM, that are inclusive of individual ideals, abilities, and opinions.
We practice our commitment to diversity by living our values.
UWENM is committed to building and maintaining an environment that embraces and values differences. UWENM employees should feel valued and respected, without bias or preference based on difference.
UWENM will continue to be a leader in funding promising community programs that target diverse populations and communities.
To be relevant and a viable community partner, UWENM staff and volunteers model an awareness of, and understanding and respect for, the many forms of difference reflected in the people and communities served by UWENM. UWENM aims to be a role model for volunteer organizations to attract and build a diverse volunteer base.
We strive to fulfill the letter and spirit of our diversity philosophy, and to illustrate this philospohy through our commitment to excellence. To realize the potential of every member of our organization, we work to create a culture that promotes individual accountability.
We recognize that holding ourselves accountable to our fundamental principles allows us a better opportunity to make a positive difference through our work. We encourage all people of all backgrounds and identities to call out discrimination and demand its removal from our society.
Stand with us in recognizing injustice and unfair treatment in our communities and in being agents of change, to make this a better place to live. To those in our community who experience discrimination in any form, whether covert or overt, through microaggression or outright violence, we see you, we hear you, and we stand with you.
Our values should be demonstrated through our actions and decisions, individually and collectively. We know that part of our organizational and individual legacy to the communities we serve is our commitment to this achievable ideal.